As the second most consumed beverage in the world behind water, green tea has been a popular beverage for over 2000 years (Narotzki et al. 2012, 429). It’s a food item likely to be found in your kitchen cabinet, and yet, green tea has been found to provide many health benefits far beyond basic nutritional needs (Hite & Berstein 2012, 338). 

Let’s look at some alternative ways to use this popular choice of tea to improve different parts of the body. 

Weight Loss And Detox

Green tea can even help with weight loss and metabolic functioning. This is because it contains polyphenols called catechins that increase the metabolic rate of the human body, helping to burn fat and slim down the body (Chattopadhyay 2016). Acne, ageing, hair strength and oral hygiene can all be improved by simply using green tea products. This article will explore some of the easy ways you can incorporate green tea into your everyday regime with minimal fuss, but maximum health benefits.

Drinking a few cups of green tea daily has been linked to a positive effect in overall health, even in high consumption (Lorenzo & Munekata 2016, 709). It can help with controlling body weight, improving bone health, as well as boosting physiological functioning. These health benefits can also be attributed to catechins (Narotzki et al. 2012, 431). Green tea also contains antioxidants, which work to cleanse toxins and improve body functions.

Hair Growth

Green tea is a nourishing and natural treatment that can be used to soften and strengthen hair. It contains polyphenols and multiple vitamins that moisturise the hair follicle and give the hair a lustrous finish (Chattopadhyay 2016). One of green tea’s catechins is EGCG, which elongates human hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. (Sarris & Seaton 2007, 186).

A green tea hair mask is a quick and easy way to nourish and care for your hair. You can try and make your own green tea hair mask by mixing two eggs and brewed tea. Stir the mixture until even then add two bags of tea leaves. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water (Sutara 2014). If done twice weekly, this treatment will give your hair a healthy glow and will boost hair growth as a result of the polyphenols found in green tea.

Skin Improvement

Relatively cheap and fun to make, homemade face masks have gained in popularity as a cheaper solution to store alternatives. It may come as no surprise that then green tea is the perfect face mask as it’s packed full of vital antioxidants to clear and replenish skin. Green tea has UV protection that helps prevent irreversible damage caused by the sun’s rays. 

Green tea is also alleged to help clear acne and even improve ageing skin (Camouse et al. 2009, 522). To create a refreshing green tea solution mix half a litre of water with 100 milligrams of green tea solution, then let it sit at room temperature for thirty to forty minutes before straining it and storing it in a refrigerator (Chattopadhyay 2016). This solution can be used to refresh your face, as well as treat acne and sunburn. By mixing one teaspoon of green tea leaves with three teaspoons of yoghurt you can also create a deep-cleansing exfoliator (Chattopadhyay 2016). Leave this on for five minutes, then rinse with warm water. Green tea skin care is a an easy way to take care of your skin, while also protecting against ageing and sun damage.

Oral Health

Did you know that drinking green tea everyday can improve your oral hygiene?

Research indicates that green tea consumption may decrease dental cavities and tooth decay. A study found that one week of gargling mouthwash mixed with green tea significantly reduced bacterial pathogens, such as lactobacii (Narotzki et al. 2012, 431). Gargling mouthwash mixed with green tea also helps prevent tooth erosion and can even significantly improve halitosis, or bad breath (Narotzki et al. 2012, 431). By mixing a small amount of standard mouthwash with green tea extract and gargling, you can easily boost your dental health.

Green tea has the potential to positively shape your health and wellbeing, while stimulating optimal physiological functioning. Containing a number of polyphenols, antioxidants and vitamins, green tea is a natural a cost-efficient solution to more expensive alternatives.

Did you know that green tea extract is one of the main ingredients of Shine+? Grab your daily dose of green tea today in Shine+ and boost your health.



  • Camouse, M.M., Domingo, D.S., Swain, F.R., Conrad, E.P., Matsuri, M.S., Maes, D., Declerq, L., Cooper, K.D., Stevens, S.R., Baron, E.D. (2009). Topical applications of green and white tea extracts provides protection from solar-simulated ultraviolet light in human skin. Experimental Dermatology, 18(6), 522-526.
  • Chattopadhyay, A. (2016) 25 benefits of green tea that you should definitely know. Style Craze. Viewed 13/12/2016.
  • Hite, A.H., & Bernstein, L.H. (2012). Functional foods: Needs, claims and benefits. Nutrition, 28(3), 338-339.
  • Lorenzo, J.M., & Munekata, P.E.S. (2016). Phenolic compounds of green tea: Health benefits and technological application in food. Asia Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 6(8), 709-719.
  • Narotzki, B. Reznick, A.Z., Aizenbud, D., Levy, Y. (2012). Green tea: A promising natural product in oral health. Archives of Oral Biology, 57(5), 429-435.
  • Sarris, J., Seaton, K. (2007). Human hair growth enhancement by green tea. Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism, 19(4), 186.
  • Sutaria, R. (2014). Green tea and egg hair mask for soft hair:DIY. Viewed 13/12/2016.