With the EB Games Expo approaching fast on September 30, gamers across Australia have been scrambling for months to prepare for it. Are you attending, or maybe going to or planning for another future convention? Is this your first rodeo, or are you an experienced con-goer?

No matter where you fit, you’ll probably find these tips below helpful in order to maximise your experience and fun at whatever event you choose to attend.

Plan Early!

Be ahead of the pack! Tickets sell out fast, seats fill quickly, and if you aren’t on top of it you’re going to be left in the dust. Conventions usually announce pre-registration and ticket sales months in advance, so it's best to purchase them as soon as possible. Look ahead in your calendar - plan around your work or studies so you can guarantee the free time you need to commit to and lock down that ticket ASAP.

Accommodation is the same, and usually conventions or events will have a partnered hotel close to the event that they suggest staying at. Get that room locked down immediately! There is nothing worse than a busy 12+ hour day at a convention, and then having to trek it back on public transport to a far away hotel room.

Getting ahead at the Event

Conventions are packed full of different booths, panels, and sights to see - and you probably want to see it all! While that is possible, it’s going to require some responsible pre-planning and scheduling on your part. Look at the timetable for each day, and mark the booths and panels you really want to attend.

For the EB Games Expo, it might be trying out a new game or listening to your favourite game developer speak. If these events are time-specific, then build around them. That game booth? Sure - it looks fun and you really want to queue up for it, but it’ll be around all weekend. That panel you really want to attend, however, will only happen once. Make sure you aren’t stuck in a queue, or get there too late and miss out on seats. Be aware of the time and make sure to get to where you want to be early to secure your spot.

Food and Drink

You’re going to be on your feet 10-12 hours a day, usually for 2-3 days depending on convention length. After the excitement and bustle of the first day, you’re really going to start feeling the fatigue.

Make sure to look after yourself: eat a good breakfast in the morning, probably some fruit and cereal, and most importantly - hydrate! Water is your best friend, especially in a packed convention centre, which is bound to get humid. As fantastic as that snack vendor or fast food joint may look, and feel free to treat yourself, don’t make it the staple of your diet. It won’t give you the energy your body really needs, and you’ll only end up feeling the fatigue even harder when you come down from a sugar crash.

Do what’s best for you, and diet appropriately at your convention!


Like I mentioned above, conventions get really humid REALLY fast. A closed building crammed full of people, it’s only natural that the place is going to make you sweaty at some point in the day. Take a morning shower, and make sure to pack some sort of deodorant or antiperspirant with you. It will not only help you keep fresh and feel great in the strenuous conditions of a convention centre.

Speaking of conventions, Shine+ will have a booth at the EB Games Expo from September 30 to October 2. Come on by, say hi, and pick up some Shine to give you the focus and energy you need to help you through the weekend!


Image: EB Games Australia's Facebook Page