当社のラズベリー ソーダは、甘くてジューシーなラズベリーとお気に入りのソーダのさわやかな泡の興奮が完璧に融合したものです。私たちは古典的な「クリーミングソーダ」体験を、天然の向知性薬とより良いエネルギーを加えて改良しました。
I love it, tastes great and best of all I’m not allergic to it (allergic to preservatives and sulphates)
When the days are long, and motivation is low, it gives you the energy to push through! no jitters, just pure energy.
One of my favourite parts of the day is enjoying my can of shine at lunchtime and I think raspberry soda is my fav(blueberry lemonade is a close 2nd)
Shine+ Raspberry Soda best flavour drink I have had in years thankyou Shine 😊