Today we'd like to introduce you to our good friends at Run Jump Crawl!

Run Jump Crawl is an obstacle-based fitness gym that love all things fitness and community. If you're looking to tackle an obstacle or endurance race, Run Jump Crawl is your answer and they will make sure you're ready! We caught up with the gym's owners, Jason, Jason and Monique, as well as elite athlete, Krysty Davies, to understand why they use shine+ to stay focused.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your company.

J + J + M: Run Jump Crawl is Sydney’s only obstacle based fitness gym. We are aimed at creating a community environment where people can feel welcome and confident to give anything a go, from monkey bars to our 15ft warped wall! We regularly participate in events such as Spartan, True Grit and Tough Mudder. Our goal is to make obstacle racing a huge sport that anyone of any age can have a go at. Our youngest members are 3 and our oldest over 60! 

How did you hear about shine+ and what made you want to be involved?

J + J + M: We first heard of shine through social media ads and campaigns...oh the power of social media ;). We were curious as to how a company produced a “smart” drink without any of the chemicals or sugars that are being pumped into energy drinks. Upon investigating, we found that none of those artificial energy boosters or sweeteners are in shine+. Also being a small, Australian grown company we wanted to form a connection with you as we aim to assist and support our fellow local companies naturally and holistically.

Hi Krysty, as one of the elite athletes at Run Jump Crawl can you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

KD: I'm 32 from Perth W.A and a mum of 3 boys. I started racing competitively in 2016. I love trail running and spending time with family. Love spaghetti bolognese and the occasional beer.

Tell us about your endurance competition experience.

KD: My first race was True Grit 24hr Enduro, 14 months after my 3rd child. With little training and prep I placed in the top 10, which qualified me to represent Australia at the OCR World Championships in Canada, Ontario, where I placed 32nd out of 100 women in the pro division.  

Since then I have raced Spartan Women's Elite in the Gold Coast and Melbourne, placing 6th and 5th respectively as well as placing 4th in the Women's Elite Raw Challenge.

On this note, how do you prepare and be ready for your moment "to shine"?

KD: My pre-race ritual is a pretty simple one. To prepare for a race, I generally have pasta the night before, a hot epsom salt bath to help relax and ensure I get an early night’s sleep before my morning warm up. Before my last competition I woke up feeling tired which wasn't the start to the day I was hoping for. I have since tried shine+ in the morning's before training and competitions, the natural and prolonged healthy energy is awesome, I love it!


Health and fitness are obviously important to you, what piece of advice can you give our audience to live an active lifestyle?

KD: Exercising daily is a massive contributor to not only your physical health, but also your mental health. It has been said that exercise is the most underused antidepressant! The stresses of the day can always be washed down the sink with a good workout that releases endorphins to make you feel better.

Make exercise a part of your daily routine, find a way to move that you enjoy and do that every day. Whether that is going for a walk/hike, smashing it out in the gym, relaxing in yoga or going for a swim. If you do exercise in a way you enjoy it will never become a chore but something to look forward to. 

Eat well but enjoy life. It is all about balance so eat your veggies but enjoy a treat just don’t go over the top and meal prep to avoid that last minute take away after a big day. If the food is ready at home you have no excuses.

What is your favourite and toughest workout?

KD: I think it is safe to say a tough workout is usually when we create a complete an upper body obstacle course in the gym. Being unable to touch the ground really kills those arm and core muscles and turns on the burn in your arms!


Thanks Krysty and good luck in the upcoming Spartan Race!

If you're looking to take on an endurance race, or are eager to jump back into the world of fitness and training, be sure to check out Run Jump Crawl at