A lifelong ambition or spontaneous idea has the potential to spark a domino effect of success and profound wealth (not that money is everything but it definitely helps!). TED Talks have ushered in an era where it is cool and accepted for millennials to go to listen to motivational speakers and be inspired in the process.

Now don’t get confused with the vulgar mouthed talking bear from the movie TED, because unlike that, TED Talks will teach you something valuable without burning your brain cells. TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks.

For aspiring young individuals this platform especially has the power to cultivate ambitions and help put dreams into action. That’s why we have done the hard work for you by finding the best five TED Talks that can motivate young entrepreneurs.

Isaac Lidsky: What reality are you creating for yourself?

This TED talk specifically established the need for purpose in life and reaching the goals that we set for ourselves. Isaac Lidsky is a blind successful CEO who reiterates the need to make the most out of life. He pressures us as young individuals to step out of the tunnel of fear and search terrain that’s uncharted and undefined. Hearing this has the power to make us truly question what we are doing with our lives and Isaac helps us to understand that we are the creators of our own reality. He ends with a strong and thought processing quote by Helen Keller that reads, “the only thing worse than being blind, is having sight by no vision”.

Richard St. John: 8 secrets of success!

What’s better than having a list of secrets which can lead you onto a path of success? That's what the corresponding ted talk by Richard St. John has achieved with his list of key terms that can push you past the barrier of failure. He conducted over 500 interviews throughout seven years of prominent successful figures to investigate what motivated them in their careers. To quickly summarise and semi-spoil this great Ted Talk, Richard St. John discovered that Passion, Work, Good, Focus, Push, Serve, Ideas and Persistence were the main eight secrets in achieving success.

Daniel Flynn (Founder of Thankyou Water) 

In life, it's always beneficial to have a specific figure who we can idolise and admire due to their personal or career success. Daniel Flynn at the young age of 19 founded Thankyou Water which strived to improve millions of lives throughout the world. The story told by such a motivated individual has the power to motivate even the most laziest of people. The greatest thing you can take from this powerful TED Talk is that “impossibility is only someone’s opinion, not a fact”.


Astro Teller: The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure!

Some people say that if you don’t come first you come last! But each and every failure is pivotal in building a bridge to the next step in your life. Understanding why mistakes occur and in turn how they can be remedied is a key value that should be explored. The TED Talk by Astro Teller  promotes an underlying metaphor on how failure always leads to success. The head of X (formerly Google X) reveals how his team immersed themselves in experiments that aim to solve the world’s biggest problems. This is inspiring in teaching the belief that it is okay to feel comfortable working on big, risky projects as well as to explore audacious ideas. It is a key for any young entrepreneur to understand that failure is a perfectly normal occurrence on the road to achieving the success of any dream and vision.

Angela Lee Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

Grit is a strength of character that enforces the level of determination that an individual posesses. This TED Talk by Angela Lee Duckworth shares her own personal insights and experiences with an aim to motivate young students. The fifth talk of this article highlights a message that passion and perseverance with any dream can correlate into success. She inspires young adults that an idea is only worth having if you have the passion to see it be sparked from a dream into a reality.  


TED Talks has become the strongest virtual motivation platform in the world today. It has ushered in an opportunity for millennials and young entrepreneurs to stir their curiosity and become motivated. The previous five speakers all convey powerful messages that have the potential to inspire a young generation in exceeding their dreams and transforming their idea into a reality.