Congratulations to Ben Lindsay, the winner of the inaugural Shine+ Scholar competition. With over 2,000 entrants of an incredibly high standard, it was a tough decision, but Ben was a shining star with his initiative, passion for learning and desire for success.

Ben is entering his final year of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Sydney, and fills his time with two ventures: GoRepp, a marketing App he has developed that helps start-ups launch and establish a user base, and Ossyx, a filled patent for a medical device he hopes will help the lives of others. Ben is also a swimmer, and is currently training to represent Australia at the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

As the winner of the Shine+ Scholarship, Ben will receive:  

  • A $5000 cash scholarship.
  • 1 years supply of Shine+ (1x24 pack delivered monthly) to help him continue to Shine bright!
  • Shine+ Scholar and Brand Ambassador titles

We interviewed Ben to find out a little bit more about him:

How does it feel to be the first Shine+ Scholar?

It feels pretty damn good. After reading through the list of  the 12 finalists, I was under the impression that I surely was not going to be selected - there were such amazing people on that list, all with great futures ahead of them! But to be selected as the winner is an honour  and a great eye opener for the achievements I have made  so far and continue to strive towards.

How will the scholarship help you achieve your goals?

I plan on using the scholarship funds to support me financially during my final semester of university, as well as be put towards my two current ventures GoRepp and Ossyx.  GoRepp (an online platform for business referrals) is set to launch in January, and I don't foresee myself willingly earning income from it initially as I plan to drive all revenue towards its growth and our users. On the other hand, Ossyx (an innovative medical device company) has a  minimum half-year long clinical trial ahead of it, so again any revenue will be geared towards that and not to my own pockets. The scholarship will let me focus on these projects with a little less stress. I was planning on living on two-minute noodles, so now I upgrade to egg and salad sandwiches and maybe splurge to take the girlfriend out to cheap thai!

What inspires you to keep working hard towards your big moments in 2017?

I am very fortunate to be surrounded with a fantastic support network. I have a great family, girlfriend and an amazing bunch of friends who all believe in my crazy antics, ideas and desire to just do what I ultimately want to do.  I often dream about where I see GoRepp and Ossyx  go in the future - GoRepp with thousands of users across Australia and New Zealand and Ossyx fixing chronic issues for sufferers of Shin Splints. These dreams serve as my inspiration but and that’s what drives me, but I do reground myself to make sure I have mapped out the steps required to meet my goals.

What do you think of a drink like Shine+ and being able to help you achieve this?

Late last year I was having issues with fatigue, which lead me to momentarily put a hold on my swimming endeavours in an effort to find more balance in my life. I found I often crashed hard around lunchtime, and am looking forward to Shine+ pushing me through the afternoon and well into the evening.

Click here to meet all of our top 12 finalists.