After graduating from her Science degree, Camilla Akerberg decided to follow her passion and pursue a career in fitness. She became a qualified personal trainer, online coach, fitness model and blogger, making her mission to help others reach their potential and take better care of their bodies.

Seeing as she is one of our Shining Stars, we felt it was necessary to help you get to know Camilla better. We decided to ask her a few questions about her secrets to staying fit and healthy, what she's doing at the moment and the people that inspire her. 

Shine: What are your best tips to staying happy and healthy?

Camilla: My best tips to stay healthy and happy would be to focus on being the best version of yourself, understanding who you are and how your body works and achieving a healthy balance for your lifestyle.

The more you understand yourself as a person and how your body works and react to things, foods and nutrients- the more control you can get of your mind and body which allows for the ability to improve yourself.

By balance, I mean a nutritional, physical and mental balance. Fill yourself with good, healthy, clean foods, but allow yourself to have a sneaky treat now and then. Make sure you train and keep your body strong. Get enough sleep and stimulate your mind with interesting tasks, experiences and social situations. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and have got your back as much as you have theirs. Work hard, train hard, but mix in some social events to your life too.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Tough one. I have so many quotes up my sleeve that really inspire me!

I think this one really indicate the power of our mind when it comes to decisions in life or goals: “By changing your mind, you change everything.”

Another one would be: “Don’t chase people, attract them. Work hard. Be yourself. The people that belong in your life will come and stay.”

What is the thing you're most excited about currently?

I am working on a new fitness plan product that is quite different from my current ones that will launch in the next few weeks!

I want to show people that anyone has time, and can add training into their lifestyle to feel healthier, stronger and happier. You don’t need to invest hours every day or necessarily train in a gym. I also want to teach people the simplicity of eating healthy. Healthy meals can be quick, delicious, and usually only consist of a few core ingredients.

How do you stay focused and productive on your busiest of days?

I love the saying: “Don’t chase two rabbits or you will lose them both”.

On super busy days I write up lists of the things I need to get done. Focus on one thing at a time, and cross them off the list as I complete them.

Name one person you would have on your Wall of Inspiration. Why do they inspire you?

My parents, no doubt. They are hardworking people that came from nothing and have done so well for themselves. I admire how they have brought up myself, my sister and my brother - spoiling us with travel and educational experiences from a young age but still teaching us that you need to work hard to get where you want to be in life.

My mum is the most loving and caring person in the whole world. She is so pure, genuine and a total star and always there for me with life advice. And I have always been daddy’s little girl - he’s my ‘go-to’ for any business advice and inspire me so much with his drive and ambition.

Don't forget to follow Camilla on Instagram or check out her website

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