It’s something all drinkers know will happen, and accept it as a cost of having fun. Since drinkers have become accustomed to hangovers, there has been extensive experimenting on what helps you overcome these post-drinking headaches, or at least make them more tolerable. We at Shine+ have a few tips for those looking to have fun these holidays, and some advice to help you get on with your day.

Level up your electrolytes

One of the hardest hitting parts of the hangover is how dehydrated you will be, as that is a major factor brought about by heavy alcohol consumption. Water is your best friend in this case: if you aren’t drunk enough to remember, drink a glass before you go to bed. If not, it’s no big deal – just start drinking the morning after your big night. There’s no set amount that you need to drink, just constantly sip water as you require it. Do what feels right for your body.

Water isn’t the only liquid that is appropriate for hangover blues, however. Sports drinks with electrolytes are an alternative, as they are important to replace while dehydrated. Freshly squeezed fruit juices too, especially orange juice, will also work due to their high levels of vitamin C and sugar, both of which will replenish energy.

What is important when rehydrating, though, is to avoid caffeine heavy drinks. Coffee and energy drinks are both sub-optimal choices for recovering from a hangover, and don’t do anything overwhelmingly positive for your recovery.

Eggs are the new black

In order to replenish your energy, it’s extremely important to eat correctly after a big night out. Eggs are a fantastic option because of how they contain cysteine, which combats the toxins left in your system during a hangover. By breaking down these toxins, they can rejuvenate you and make you feel significantly fresher on the day after your big night out. If you can stomach milk after a long night of drinking, then a good healthy cereal is another alternative for recovery eating. Wholegrain cereals are superior for this, as they contain far more nutrients which can help put you back on the right track. Plain or bland foods with lots of carbohydrates, such as toast and biscuits, are a way to maintain normal blood sugar levels and prevent fatigue after a big night out.

Generally you want to stick away from food that is too greasy, as it can bring about nausea, but I’ve personally found that if my body isn’t in too rough of a shape that fast food can help a little bit. While it isn’t as healthy or as beneficial as the previously mentioned examples, sometimes something a little unhealthy will do the trick.

Ingest a superfood, nutrient-rich, antioxdiant-laden brain boosting drink, like SHINE+

Shine+ has plenty of benefits that can help you in your recovery. For example, Green Tea has been shown to help with blood flow, while also decreasing blood pressure (Kuriyama, 2008). Another example, Turmeric, has been found to contain antioxidants that combat free radicals and toxins, in addition to anti-inflammatory properties (Mishra and Palanivelu, 2008). It's also a healthier option than a sports drink because of its low sugar content with no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners.

Maybe it's just time to go to bed?

If none of the above is doing your body any favours, the best way to recover from a long night of drinking..just rest! Hopefully you’re a responsible party goer, and chose to drink knowing that you had no plans for the day after. If this is the case, then just lay your head back down and get some more shut eye. You aren’t in a rush to go anywhere or do anything, so give your body the rest it needs and deserves.

There is no magical cure to a hangover, only time. However, the ideas we’ve mentioned above will contribute to making your recovery more comfortable and tolerable. We at Shine+ hope you all have a great time over the summer break, and make sure to drink and party responsibly. Hopefully these tips can help you out in your time of need.



Kuriyama, S. (2008). The relation between green tea consumption and cardiovascular disease as evidenced by epidemiological studies. The Journal of nutrition, 138(8), 1548S-1553S.

Mishra, S., & Palanivelu, K. (2008). The effect of curcumin (turmeric) on Alzheimer's disease: An overview. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 11(1), 13.