Siberian Ginseng is one of the most commonly known medicinal herbs across the globe, having been used in traditional Eastern medicine for a variety of purposes. These benefits, especially the benefits of physical and mental performance it provides, are a key reason as to why it plays a role as a vital ingredient in shine+. Together, let's break down the history of this herb and how it is helping your body whenever you drink a shine+.

The root of Siberian Ginseng

While they share the same name of ‘ginseng,’ Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococus senticous) is very different from American (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian (Panax) Ginseng. This is not only because of where the different types of ginseng are grown, but their differing chemical components. Until recently, most of the knowledge and research around Siberian Ginseng has taken place in Russia. It is, however, increasing in popularity in the West and has led to heightened scientific interest in the herb.

Traditionally, Siberian Ginseng has been used as a preventative herb to help cope with the flu, increase energy and increase vitality. It is used in some nations as an anti-obesity measure (Wang et al. 2009).  In Russia, it is commonly used today as an “adaptogen,” which helps the body better cope with either mental or physical stress (Donovan et al. 2003). While the first major use is expected, what with the herb’s history rooted in Chinese traditional medicine, the second major use as an adaptogen is why the herb is a main ingredient in shine+.

Siberian Ginseng’s rejuvenative features, for both body and mind, have elevated it past the status of herbal medicine in the 21st Century. The ways in which it is used now fall under the category of nootropics, or smart drugs.

From an herbal delight to a smart drug saviour

With its duality, not only as a form of herbal medicine, but as a smart drug in a society where the popularity of nootropics is rising, there is no surprise that there is now a demand for Siberian Ginseng. Siberian Ginseng is among the 10 most popular supplements used in the United States (Li 2001, pp. 79-84), shedding light on how extensive its use is.

Due to this demand, there is a variety of ways in which Siberian Ginseng is consumed or used by consumers. On top of the traditional dried and cut roots used in teas, there are also liquid extracts, solid extracts, powders, capsules and tablets. While most of the available supplements for Siberian Ginseng come in the forms listed previously, it can also be used in  commercial products - as is the case with shine+.

The quality of the Siberian Ginseng supplement or product is extremely important, and it is recommended to chat with a doctor or pharmacist first to ensure that the herbal extracts are of the right quality to consume. This is more important in the case of taking a pure Siberian Ginseng supplement, as opposed to a ready-to-consume product such as shine+ in which Siberian Ginseng is only a small, safe portion of a large variety of ingredients.

The 21st century study buddy

There is a long list of cognitive and health benefits that Siberian Ginseng can provide, most importantly being its ability to provide extra energy and enhance focus and concentration. One study highlighted the improvements in quality of life and mental functioning over the course of an eight weeks trial tested the effects of Siberian Ginseng on social function (Cicero 2004, pp. 69-73).

In addition to the energy and focus that Siberian Ginseng can provide, which are two very large focal points of shine+, Siberian Ginseng has also been shown to enhance resistance to the effects of stress (Gaffney et al. 2001). This makes Siberian Ginseng a fantastic supplement and ingredient when it comes to crunch time--whether that be big work or school projects.

One of the ways Siberian Ginseng increases energy and focus and preserves these benefits, while reducing stress, can be summed up by the studies of Dardymov and Khasina in 1993. In these studies, they found that Siberian Ginseng has an energy-mobilising impact through the utilisation of glucose. Meanwhile, the stress reduction is the result of delaying the hormonal release during stressful situations, which allows “a more economical and efficient release of these hormones.” This not only reduces stress, but also reduces fatigue due to the steady release of hormones from the adrenal gland as opposed to the typical manner of depletion.

Traditionally used as cold and flu prevention, Siberian Ginseng still serves as an excellent immune booster - especially preventing infections or illness during times of intense physical activity when your body is at its most vulnerable. There are also Russian studies that Siberian Ginseng can help in assisting and enhancing antiviral drugs, although these results have not been replicated in Western studies.

Ultimately, there are a plethora of benefits to Siberian Ginseng both as an individual supplement and as an ingredient in a larger array of consumer products and nootropics. That is, after all, why it is one of shine+’s flagship ingredients.

Never tried Siberian Ginseng? Interested in the benefits it can provide? Pick up some shine+ today: a safe way to consume Siberian Ginseng, alongside other fantastic ingredients.



  • Cicero, A., et al., (2004). Effects of Siberian ginseng (elutherococcus senticosus maxim.) on elderly quality of life: a randomized clinical trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 38, pp. 247-252
  • Donovan, C., et al., (2003). Siberian Ginseng (Eleutheroccus senticosus) Effects on CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 Activity in Normal Volunteers. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 31 (5), pp. 519-522
  • Gaffney, B., et al., (2001). The effects of Eleutherococcus senticosus and Panax ginseng on steroidal hormon indices of stress and lymphocyte subset numbers in endurance athletes. Life Sciences 70 (4), pp. 431-442
  • Li, T., (2001). Siberian ginseng. Hortotechnology 11 (1), pp. 79-84
  • Wang, H., et al., (2009). Ginseng leaf-stem: bioactive constituents and pharmacological functions. Chinese Medicine 4 (20)

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